This is my design process for my last project interactive narrative.
Firstly we looked at what an interactive narrative was as a class, helping us to understand what we had to do and it's use, we then individually had to come up with some basic narratives/strories. i decided to make a brainstorm of ideas and then began to bounce ideas of others in the class.
We also had to look at flash and watch some tutorials to get some knowledge about the programme, i also just fiddled about with it and learnt myself which i happened to find more effective.
I picked my idea and started to develop the story as a storyboard first just written using postitnotes then on the computer as a clear structure, i also came up with some scrapy images and ideas of how it might look. i put some of the images into flash and stareted to play around with them. I then created the omages on the computer and chose the most effective ones.
After creating my interative narrative i decided to test it out on my house mates who enjoyed it and found it relatively easy to use except for some of the pages they didnt know where to click to move foward so i looked at changing where the arrows would be on the page.
I posted my piece of work up on my blog and deviant art in the hope of getting some critical analysis from the users and viewers, which i did i then took this into consideration and analysed the project myself, which i have yet to post.
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