Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Research Project - Artefact's Rationale and Feedback

Artefact 1- Showing how the architectural design of a building can help the flow of light.
For this first artefact i wanted to look at how the form of a building can help the function of it too, a key part to my initial research project (the argument for form and function to work together). I was concetnrating on building an eco friednly design that allowed for it to wholey rely on natural light.
The first design and animation i put together for this artefact didnt work well and didnt represent what i wanted in full. I had my camera set up to move too quickly and at unhelpful angles. the movemnt of the light wasnt captured fully as the camera was moving too much. The feedback i received was helpful and i was told to look at using a camera going in one direction and moving very slowly. i was also told to look more at real world lighting and how this may affect different enviroments.

Before the final presentations i aim to re-do this artefact encompassing the feedback i received. I also want to look at the light use in more depth and maybe look at lighting a night time scene.

Artefact 2- Animating the structural Design of a building
The idea with the second artefact was to work on a grand designs (channel 4) based animation of the structural design of a house that would hopefully give the client of such a project a deeper insight into how the design would work and be put together.
I was much happier with this artefact as i felt it was of higher quality and portrayed my initial concept. Aniamtion was another important area in my research topect and a way in which 3d visualisation helps demonstrate both the form and fucntion of a design.
If i was to come back to this artefact again i would like to work in more detail of each room showing the different workings such as pipes and foundations.

Artefact 3- Displaying Realism in 3D Visualisation
Realism was said by... to be of real importance if 3d visualisaiton is to become an integrated part of design practise and so i concentrated on taking one room, a living room in this case and making it as real as possible.
The feedback i received from my first meeting was helpful and suggestions were that i looked at using a different camera angle, filling the enviroment more, using a good sense of D.O.F. and work on composting the image in photshop.
I took this on board and re-worked the image. All these areas helped but i still feel not fully happy with it and want to go back to the lighting within max and play around with it. There are also a few areas of modelling which i would like to change that i feel would make the peice more realistic.

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