Saturday, 8 October 2011

Alumni Project

I have decided to make my animation for the alumni association on the support of academic achievement and excellence through new scholarships, bursaries and awards.
My idea is to create one very simple character which will represent students who need this funding from the alumni. The animation will start out with the character doing various university courses or scholarship funded  courses, showing the sort of excellence the alumni talks about, such as rowing, studying, it research.  then there will be more characters talking to each other and slowly the camera will move backwards and upwards, panning out over more and more of the characters appearing, some turning red which highlights the people who need the funding, as the camera pans back more you see the characters from a birds eye view and the shape they make forms the pattern of great Britain, which will eventually turn into a re-designed Alumni logo . What I want to get across towards the end is the idea of having the alumni as a great connection to get people who deserve it, to university. The idea that its not just about giving the money it’s about being connected and building a better future for university students.
This is the sort of simple character I plan to model and use to represent the student who need Alumni funding.

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