Friday, 12 February 2010

Context 1- Film Series Evaluation

Cabinet of Dr Caligari, Zero De Conduit- Out of all the films i found this the most interesting and i thought it had the most narrative even though it was a silent movie. The first film to be told entirely through flashback is quite and interesting concept too. When talking in our groups we said that some of Tim Burtons films haave the same feel of a lunacy and craziness.

Tetsuo: The Iron Man- I didnt actually see this film but everyone told me about it and told me not to see it, although this has made me want to see it more, by the sounds of it, it sounds like quite a sick film.

Zero de Conduit- French film about children at school deciding to revolt and break down the system. i found it quite hard to follow at first and a bit slow obviously it was made a long time ago but still. The fact it was the first film to involve slow motion is impressive and the overall picture was fairly interesting.

Un Chien Andalou- Psychotic. Obvisouly not meant to have any real narrative to it or any understanding. The first movie produced by Bunuel and salvador dali, the first real surrealism film, they released in 1929. Although there isn't meant to be any meaning behind the film i felt that it was almost an insight into a lunatics mind and how they viewed the world.

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