Saturday, 27 February 2010

looking at the rooms.....

Started playing around with what some of the rooms will look like, firstly the entrance room which the 1st elevator from the lighthouse comes down to, i want this to be elegant and sophisticated, with security to stop and unwanted tresspassers......

Friday, 26 February 2010

Quick Layout Of my Enitre laire

I have spent a short amount of time playing around on 3ds max just looking initially at my layout, the idea is a lighthouse, in which there is a lift droping downwards under the ground and into the water where the other 3 rooms of my laire will be situated. Having only played around for a small amount of time i am starting to enjoy the programme, the next part is really looking at each room, defining them and making them look quality.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Evaluation of Moving Image: Interpretation

Looking back on the project now it is near completion (I am going to do my own edited version) i beleive there are many areas of the film we could have done better or differently but considering some of ther circumstances we managed to get together some good peices of filming.
Analysing my own role, i don't think i would chose to be the producer again, i don't think my organisation was great even though sometimes things werent down to me i do think it could have run smoother. If i am to do a fimling project again i would like to maybe be director, i think now i have overlooked the role i could be quite good at it.
I would really like to do another Filming project, mainly because i know that it could be a lot better than the one we have done and because i know that it could be so rewarding if the end product looked very professional.

Edited Clip

This small edited clip was done by Peyman, i really like this choice of music and is the subtlty that i want the whole thing to have, i think the voice needs to be softly spoken and not so many dubed over sounds.

first scene edit for Gaze script from Peyman Salehi on Vimeo.

Gaze 1st edit

This is the first edit with sound and music done by ullise, I have decided i am going to do my own cut look at more subtle sounds and maybe not so scratchy.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Need to do more...

Haven't been as on top of work as before and need to start doing more, my plan is to start leaning 3ds maxs for the second part of the second term, i also want to be reseaching more and looking into different field of expertise. I'm also going to start looking for summer work experience, something i have researched but have yet to do......
.......this is really just a note to self that i will start working more, and getting up in time for my tutorials.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Lifted- By Gary Rydstrom & Brad Bird

Was watching Ratatouille- (a great pixar film that everyone should watch.) and came to the end when it goes back to the root menu, i decided to have a look at the special features on the dvd and found this halarious animated short directed by a man called Gary Rydstrom, i could describe but then again you could just take my word for how good it is and watch it.......

Looking at Animators....

When thinking about what pathway i am going to take next year i gradually started drifting towards the virtual enviroments pathway, as this is the pathway that i find most exciting and think i could turn my creative talent to most. I havent yet done the animation/virtual enviroment stage this second term...yet but am hopeing that i get to grips with it.

I also started thinking about the visual essay and if i am to chose virtual enviroments as my pathway choice i don't really know many animators or people in the field of virtual enviroments.

i started researching and found a guy named- Victor Navone- a 3d animator who works currently at pixar. Origainally an artist who went on to deisgn for a gaming company and then moving on to pixar. The link below is to a page with an interview with him, what i like about the interview the insight into his experience and the tips he provides from these to help aspiring animators. Having worked on Monsters. inc, Finding Nemo and The Incredibles he is clearly a very talented person.

Context 1- Film Series Evaluation

Cabinet of Dr Caligari, Zero De Conduit- Out of all the films i found this the most interesting and i thought it had the most narrative even though it was a silent movie. The first film to be told entirely through flashback is quite and interesting concept too. When talking in our groups we said that some of Tim Burtons films haave the same feel of a lunacy and craziness.

Tetsuo: The Iron Man- I didnt actually see this film but everyone told me about it and told me not to see it, although this has made me want to see it more, by the sounds of it, it sounds like quite a sick film.

Zero de Conduit- French film about children at school deciding to revolt and break down the system. i found it quite hard to follow at first and a bit slow obviously it was made a long time ago but still. The fact it was the first film to involve slow motion is impressive and the overall picture was fairly interesting.

Un Chien Andalou- Psychotic. Obvisouly not meant to have any real narrative to it or any understanding. The first movie produced by Bunuel and salvador dali, the first real surrealism film, they released in 1929. Although there isn't meant to be any meaning behind the film i felt that it was almost an insight into a lunatics mind and how they viewed the world.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Rough Sketches of My Underwater Laire....

Lighthouse lift that goes underwater... First room....

Submarine room.... The Water Globe.....

Robert Bradford - Recycled Toy Sculptures

Stumbled across this and though it was pretty cool, what with there being a lot about wastage and how we should be recycling more, thought it was not only a good peice of art but also a good way of recycling/

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Virtual Enviroments Work

While ive been doing the moving image pathway there have been times in which i didn't have much work to do as we weren't able to meet up, i decided to start looking at the next project which is the animation/virtual enviroment pathway, in which we have to create a 'secret laire'. i've drawn up a few sketches of ideas and developed one mainly, which im calling 'the lighthouse'. sketches below.......

1st Day of filming...

Finaly got round to doing out first bit of filming for the project, managed to capture what will hopefully be the first and last scenes of our film. i was pretty pleased with it and think it worked really well, thanks to leona.
Next filming day tomorrow i hope runs as smoothly.