After our first group lecture with jools on active learning we started look into our personal development as practitioners in multimedia design.
Ive started joining art and deisgn coucils which advertise freelance work and work experience for undergraduates, so i have started looking into working with people already in the fields i want to go into.
I've also signed up to a site called nottingham contempory which posts arts & design events happening in the city, events such as talks from well known practitiones, debates or gallery openings, i have aslo visited one gallery through the site.
Over the holidays i started looking into some of the new projects and creating mood boards for them, maily the secret laire project which i find most intresting.
I am also trying to go see more films at the cinema, especially animation one's, i went to see avatar in 3d and was pretty amazed.
There is another site called "the cool hunter" which i have already talked about on my blog, the site posts anything to do with anything art & design related, but it can give you some pretty cool ideas.
yo man post the site urls would you?