Monday, 31 January 2011

The House

I've started looking at modelling the house, but i thought i should still keep lighting in mind. I've come up with this visualisation to show how i would like the scene to be really really dark at the start, so that you can't tell it's a toy shop.

Lighting tests......

Chemistry set

so just started modelling the chemistry set that is going to go in the top room where the 'operation' is taking place, now ive made it im going to look at lighting and mood to make it look more sinister and less scientific.

Train set

So I've created a train set to go in the toy shop, I've managed to put together a bit of a mock up of the room and i managed to make the train go round the tracks, which I want it to do at the end when the toy maker comes downstairs into the first floor room.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Friday, 21 January 2011

Second Floor Room Visualisation

This is my visualisation of the second floor room, ideally i would like it to be a bit darker and more sinister when going up the stairs so that you get a slightly creepy weird illusion to the beginning of the story, but you can see that when you come back down it's just a store room with tools and paint. I would like the paint to look as though its blood at first as well.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011


Another toy for my toy shop, very simple but im pleased with how they look.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


Combined my original drawing with the photo I took of the old house, this is the result, and it was what I would like my eventually modelled version to represent.

Monday, 17 January 2011


After our seminar today on poly modelling, I gave it a go, I didn't use an already drawn image just modelled it from free hand, although it looks a bit mental I am happy with it for a first time go.

Starting to model

I started thinking that if i am going to make it look like a toy shop at the end of my animation i am going to need a lot of after doing some extensive toy research, i'm going to start modelling them. Here's a toy plane.....

Old House

edited old house


I was walking through Nottingham the other day and happened to stumble upon this beauty, i say stumble but I walk past it all the time, just happened to have my eyes open on this particular day. anyway I thought it was an awesome visual inspiration for the building for my Frankenstein story. it has a rather creepy look to the house and nearly the same size style and era I was looking at having it!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

My Frankenstein Scenario

The scene opens with a look up the street, it's dark and mysterious, when lightening strikes, the houses are outlined, in particular one tall and disjointed house.
The camera moves in closer towards this house, small details can be depicted through an old flickering street lamp.

The door creaks open and then a bell rings, the camera moves into the house, and from the small outside street lamp, there are vague shadows and silhouettes around the room.
There are hammering and sawing sounds coming from upstairs and the faint sound of a wind chime.

The camera moves up the stairs, the odd step here and there creaking, moving on into the second floor room where there is even less light. Implements and tools can be picked out by their shadows.
As the camera pans around there a oddly shaped packages, boxes and crates, a boiler in the corner making strange sounds, the ceiling is dripping and forming a puddle in the centre of the room.
There is a gust of wind and the wind chime can be heard once again, the camera turns to look at window open and the wind chime hanging next to it. Lightening strikes again.
Then the sounds of the hammering and sawing again, although this time there's bubbling and smoke starts to drift its way down the stairs.

The camera turns around and carries on up the stairs, going through the smoke. Sounds of cackling can now be heard and the sounds of hammering and sawing get louder.
Finally at the top floor lightening goes again and outlines a crazy doctor holding up a tool in one hand and laughing, other tools and implements can be depicted around the room.
The camera cuts to the table where there is Frankenstein lying down flat eyes closed, bits and bobs lying around him.

There is no interaction between the doctor or Frankenstein but you can tell that he is working on creating him.
As the scene draws to a close the nights becomes darker and darker, the doctor draws closer to Frankenstein and as it climaxes everything goes black. Day dawns quickly and the camera moves backwards to show the doctor, who in fact is a
toy maker, he holds up Frankenstein which is now clearly a toy, pleased with his work he smiles and the light shines on him and the toy.

The camera follows him as he runs down the stairs, as he goes down the floors we start to realise his that what seemed to be sinister objects and implements are actually toy makers
tools or toys.
He enters the bottom room now filled with toys and places the toy Frankenstein on a shelf, the door bell goes and children start to enter the shop. The camera pans out of the shop window and onto the street which is now clearly a normal happy town street.

The end

Saturday, 15 January 2011

The Doctor

This is a first draft drawing for the doctor, not completely happy with it to be honest but i'm going to keep going and hopefully will get there in the end. anyway here is at the moment.

Friday, 14 January 2011


So I'm looking at making Frankenstein as the classic face we all think of as at the end of my animation it turns out that he is in fact a toy and so the classic Frankenstein would be most suitable. At the same time I still want it to look a bit creepy for the first half of the animation which is dark and creepy.
I used the same technique as with the house to visualise what he might look like.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Old House

Developed my drawings of what i want the old house to look like, in which most of my scene takes place. i used a combination of paint (i know it seems very 7 year old of me but i'm pretty good at drawing what i want in it) then took it into photoshop for editing, here's the original and edited.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

The Dr.

came up with a load of drawings for what my doctor will look like. at the beginning of the animation i want him to look a bit crazy and mad, maybe a bit sinister too. but when it all changes at the end i want him looking friendly and happy, so its going to be quite hard to draw a character that will be able to convey both, here's a load of drawings i did this afternoon.

Drawings for Frankenstein House

Very quickly drawn just to get some ideas of what it may look like.


So after brainstorming quite a few ideas and doing a number of drawings for all of them i have finally decided on one idea to take forward that will hopefully be my final one.
i have chosen to go with the Frankenstein script, as i felt i would be able to practise and implement a number of different skills and techniques a good combination of both animation and scene design, and maybe even a bit of architectural visualisation.
my own interpreted idea of the script-
the scene starts dark, there's a tall odd looking house, it's silhouette is framed when lightening strikes, going into the house its dark but through light you can see the doctor laughing holding up implements, there are shadows of chemical flasks and other strange objects around the room, camera then cuts to Frankenstein on the table, the camera only ever sees either Frankenstein or the doctor. its gets darker towards the climax then day breaks and the doctor holds up Frankenstein which is now clearly a toy, the room is a toy shop with toys and weird games around the room, he takes off his goggles and pulls a smile pleased with his work, he places the Frankenstein toy on a shelf next too some other toys and kids start to come through the door. boom! tell me what you think......

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Mosaic Creative Work

So I've been doing a bit of work for my dad, an idea we've been working on, animating some of his handbook on Disaster Management.
Here's just a small video on Structural Weaknesses of Earthquake Prone Houses.
Just a first copy needs a bit of work to get it looking better.