Wednesday, 24 March 2010


This is the entrance to my lair, not completely finished

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

chair for the lair

This is the chair or group of chairs that will go in my globe room for all the superheroes to sit in and discuss superhero matters. They have the sort of look of the ones in Men in Black which i am big fan of.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Development Questions.....

(Josh) Q: In what way do you think you have improved?

(Peyman) A: By practising, 3Ds Macs other programmes ect.

(Josh) Q: Talk about how your research has affected your development?

(Peyman) A: I'va gained knowledege of what i like/dislike and so my work tends to have the look of that which i like. I think more about how i want my work to look because of what others have done.

(Josh) Q: How confident do you feel starting a new project now?

(Peyman) A: Very....... because i've practised and i enjoy it.

(Josh) Q: How have your thoughts towards the course changed?

(Peyman) A: I like it more. I didn't know a lot about the different areas before i started but have come to really enjoy them especially 3Ds Macs.

(Josh) Q: Anything else?

(Peyman) A: I'm hungry

Question time with Peyman on how he has developed as a multimedia practitioner, some of the answers may have been lengthened or uncovered as to what he probably wanted to say but didn't know how to because he is iliterate.

Saturday, 13 March 2010


This is my fountain that will go in the royal entrance to my lair, what will be a sort of reception area.

Thursday, 11 March 2010


This is just 2 of the rooms in my laire, exterior and of the tunel from lift to the globe room, i am starting to create the interiors of the laire itself now.

My Secret Laire......

So you know what i am creating as my secret laire and i guess the actually superhero has come out of thinking about where he is situated.
The lighthouse being a beacon of light means my secret laire will be for a 'superhero' that is a beacon of light for the world.
When looking at and researching different laires i looked at some james bond ones and really liked blowfelt's laire 'Atlantis', although for a villain i thought i could take the underwater concept and change it for a hero.
The laire has its various room but one main room which would also be a meeting point for other superhero's to discuss superhero matters ect. He is in a way head of all other superheros, this means there laire must be state of the art and fairly big.
This what i aim to be thinking about when creating my amazing laireeeeeee......